Friday, October 8, 2010

Views from an Office

Hi, Everyone!

Steve here.  I'm off to work, but before I go I wanted to post a few pictures.  We've been having some incredibly clear weather here, and as a result the mountain ranges have been beautiful.  My office has some pretty nice views (it faces a building, but you can see the ocean in one panel of the 3-panel window).  But my boss's office is incredible.  I think it's the best view in the entire city.  It overlooks all of the water, and has a view of almost all of the mountain ranges along the ocean in Anchorage.  (It should be noted that all of these pictures were taken around 9a, right when the sun was rising . . .)

There's that termination dust again!

Those are called the Alaska range.  I forgot to take a picture of Sleeping Lady.  Next time :)

On a clear day, you can also see Mt. McKinley in the distance.

Or even a cool double-rainbow.

But the best part of the office, and the easiest to view from any office in our chambers, is as follows:

Have a great weekend everyone.  And in light of the upcoming sibling rivalry game, GO BLUE!

1 comment:

  1. DR-ATW! And why exactly are you dressed up for Halloween in early October? Have they rescheduled the celebration in Anchorage? Keep having fun. I am loving the blog.

    -- NR
