Sunday, January 30, 2011

Official Lawyer Business

Hi, Everyone!

As you may remember, last July Steve took the Mass. Bar Exam.  In November we found out he passed.  As a result, he can be an officially licensed lawyer assuming he agreed to the oath of Mass lawyers.

The oath is usually administered in Boston in November.  Because we're in AK, however, Steve wasn't able to make it to MA.  So, instead, Justice Morgan Christen agreed to administer the oath in Alaska in the Alaska Supreme Court courtroom.

Last Friday, Steve was sworn in.

Steve with some of his co-clerks in the courtroom.

Us in the courtroom.

Steve agreeing to the oath, including not to lucre clients.

Steve taking the MA oath in AK with the AK seal behind him.

Signing the paperwork.

Hooray for being a lawyer!

More to come later.  Hope everyone is doing well!


  1. Congrats Steve! I'm so proud of you, I can't believe our little gimble freshman is now a sworn in lawyer :) Hooray!!

  2. With that haircut, you have an uncanny resemblance to someone I used to know! Mazel Tov and we love you; promise us we can go when you get sworn in before SCOTUS.
