Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spotted Again.

Hi, Everyone:

I don't know if this is getting old, but we had another moose spotting and given the title of this blog we thought we needed to blog about it.  This one has an interesting story to it though.  To give you some background:

The front door of our apartment is located on a street, but the garage and back door come off of an alley.  Once you park your car in the alley, you walk up a path to our back stairs, which leads to our apartment.

This walk is probably about 100 feet.  Ordinarily it's no big deal.  So, as usual, Tammy came home from work earlier this week, walked up the path to our apartment, and came up the stairs.  When she got to the top, though, she heard some rustling noises behind her.  Nervous, she turned around and saw this:

Yes, the moose had been approximately 1 foot off of the path on which she had just walked.  We're not sure if it magically came in behind her or if she walked by it completely oblivious.  But the bottom line is, this moose was close.

Thankfully, by the time she realized this she was safe at the top of the stairs.  Now we should break here to say that moose are not really aggressive.  They can be if you annoy them.  But mainly they just want you to leave them alone so they can eat.  So she wasn't in any real threat of danger.  But you also don't want to be that close to an untamed animal that is the size of a horse.  You just don't know what it will do.

Anyway, we ran inside and grabbed a camera.  Pretty soon thereafter the moose decided it was done eating, and just hunkered off down the path.

It then jumped the fence and went into another yard to play.

Moose spotted.

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