Thursday, June 16, 2011

Engagement Cake!

Welcome back!

First of all, thank you so much to all of our loving friends and family for the outpouring of excitement you have expressed.  We are really excited about moving into this new chapter of our lives and have already begun the wedding planning process.  We understand this process ebbs and flows over the next few months, but we're going strong so far!  So thank you again for everything.

On a side note, on Monday night we reached 180 readers in one evening!  That is awesome and we'd love to hear from all of you!  If you enjoy the blog, leave us a comment and let us know!  If you have questions about living in Alaska or visiting this magnificent state, we'd love to answer them!  This blog is for you just as much as it is for us to keep a record of our adventures here.  So let us know you're reading!

Moving on, one of Steve's co-clerks and our good friend, Elena, threw us an engagement party on Tuesday evening.  The prior morning she had created this amazing Alaska cake for Al Roker's morning visit to Anchorage.  So, with some touch-up work to represent us, she created this amazing engagement cake for us:

That's Tammy standing on top of a mounain while I propose.  A halibut, walrus, polar bear, and eagle watch, with the polar bear reminding us of the date.

The ENTIRE cake was edible (including the congratulations banner, the champagne bottle, etc.)  It was awesome.

She is an incredible cake creator and also an awesome lawyer!  Steve's co-clerks came out for the celebration and helped toast to our engagement.  It was really heartwarming and we really have appreciated all of their amazingness.

We have a fun adventure planned for this weekend that we'll report on next week!

1 comment:

  1. That is an AMAZING cake! I'm glad you took pictures, because I'm sure you wanted to eat it up, too! Looks delish!
