Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hi, Everyone:

It's been a little while, so we thought we would give you an update of what life is like in Anchorage!

Anchorage is a really amazing city.  There's this awesome 5x3-or-so block stretch of downtown located by the water.  This is where the tourists hang out when they get off the ships, and also where most of the state/federal buildings are located.

The best part of Anchorage, however, is clearly the established trails that run throughout the entire city.  During the summer, there are miles upon miles of biking and running trails that run along the mountains, oceans, lakes, and rivers.  During the winter, these trails are converted into cross-country ski trails, and are crazily lit so that people can use them late into the night.  These trails can be reached by a 5 minute (no exaggeration) walk from our apartment.

Thus, we went for an evening walk this week, and were simply stunned by the view we had, and will continue to have, over the next year.

It really is quite breathtaking to step outside and realize you're surrounded by mountains, ocean, and just pure beauty.  You all NEED to come visit!

Last night, we also went to our first Shabbat service at the local synagogue.

Yes, they call themselves the Frozen Chosen.  Hysterical.

It was awesome being 5500 miles from home, and yet still hearing the same songs and prayers to which we have become accustomed over our lives.  It really made for a relaxing, peaceful evening.

Plus, on the drive home from shul, we saw 2 moose on the side of the road.  It was actually a very strange experience.  Everywhere else we have gone, whenever there has been serious wildlife nearby, there are cars lined up along the sides of the road with people inside trying to get a closer look.  Yet, this time, while the moose were no more than 5 feet from the shoulder, people were just driving by as if it was nothing strange or exciting was happening.

Turns out, it was nothing strange or exciting.  Seeing moose so close to buildings, roads, and people is no surprise here (just like seeing deer in MI), and it is actually a bit of a nuisance.  But, HOORAY FOR MORE MOOSE SPOTTINGS!

Oh, and today we watched the Michigan game at the local sports bar.  We are VERY excited that we'll be able to watch all of the games while in Alaska.  Hooray and Go Blue!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Seriously jealous you get a bunch of established trails. Definitely something Houston could use. And do they have a Michigan Alumni Club up there? :)
