Sunday, September 12, 2010

We walked.


Well, we've been here for about 2 weeks and are finally starting to feel settled.  Steve is really enjoying his job, and Tammy found one which starts tomorrow!  She'll be working for Camp Fire USA, running its before and after school programs.  Hooray!

Since last week, we've explored the Anchorage area a bit more, including multiple visits to the Fred Meyer (essentially Target) and Costco.  Yes, Anchorage has Costco.  It also has Nordstroms, Safeway,  Banana Republic, REI, etc.  Normal city!  Wooo!

Yesterday, we watched the Michigan game thanks to NBC's national broadcast.  It was a great victory, though certainly emotional and stressful in the last 6 minutes of game play.  A couple of the clerks (and significant others) came over, so we all celebrated together.

Today we went for a walk along the Turnagain Arm.  This stretch of trails runs along the Seward Highway, which has been proclaimed a national scenic highway.  It is unbelievably beautiful, and already established as one of our favorite drives in Alaska.  It is also a mere 10 minutes outside of the city.  Pretty incredible.

The hike was a lot of fun.  It climbed approx. 800 feet and was about 4.5 miles long.  We also went with some of Steve's co-clerks, which made it even more enjoyable.  As usual, pictures below:

That's it for this week.  We'll be back soon with more Alaska adventures!!!!!  Let us know when you're coming to visit :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the job, Tammy! I'm so happy for you. And go REI!
