Sunday, August 1, 2010

Home at Last!

We made it home to Michigan at around 7:30p last night.  After unloading the car, we split up to go our own ways with our respective families for the next few days before heading off to Alaska for good on August 5.

We'll update again once we're back on the road on Thursday.  Until then, enjoy the following story/fun factoid/quote:

As we were driving through Ohio en route back to Michigan, we came across numerous signs for wineries along the highway.  Surprised to find wineries in Ohio, we did a bit more research and learned that there are over 125 wineries in Ohio, which, in 2007, produced a total of over 850,000 gallons of wine valued at $75M.  (Source:

As Tammy put it:  "Who know Ohio made wine in addition to crap and sucking?"

Go Blue! 

 Catch you all in a couple days!  In the meantime, we heard an interesting (informal, pop radio station) survey on the radio while we were driving: wine or beer, which do you prefer?  Ready, go!


  1. I prefer Tammy and Steve over wine or beer (I can't choose between the latter two).

    Also, I learned another fun fact about Ohio's sub-par performance today -- due to an oversight back in 1803, Ohio wasn't officially accepted into the Union (probably for a good reason or two). Congress had to go back an accept them into the union retroactively in 1953! Still, my favorite insult to Ohio was from that Gimble skit when Labe said something like, "Columbus, you're such an idiot -- some day a terrible city is going to be named after you."

    Hope you two are having extra awesome happy fun-ness!

    ~ Rese

  2. Suck up, Rese! Cool fact though.

    That's a tough question though, I can't choose either..I hope I never accidentally consume an Ohio wine, so maybe I'll to fully switch to beer.

    PS It's pretty cumbersome to post comments on Blogger, so appreciate it. :)
