Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Trip Begins!

As of 10:17a EST this morning, our official trip to Alaska began!  We started out this morning by packing the car up at Steve's house.  Here's the outside . . .

And here's the inside . . .

Amazingly, we managed to find our FIRST MOOSE SPOTTING while packing the car!  We are pleased to introduce the trip mascot, Mooses:

Today was a fairly uneventful day.  We drove from Detroit to Milwaukee, via Chicago.

Oh, the memories of living here last summer.

After stopping for an awesome lunch packed by Steve's sister Leah, we finished off the drive by arriving in Milwaukee.  We're spending the night here with Steve's friend from college, Drew, before heading on to South Dakota tomorrow.

Drew took us to an amazing brewpub called Cafe Hollander.  They had an incredible beer menu, which we each got a chance to sample.

Of course, no visit to Milwaukee would be complete without a visit to Oscar's for custard!

Note that both Drew and Steve are wearing our Gimble A Cappella t-shirts.  Amazingly awesome.  For those of you not familiar with the group, check out:  Best college a cappella group there is.  (Full disclosure, Drew and Steve were both members of the group while at Michigan!)

Fun fact Tammy learned today: people in Milwaukee LOVE (1) lite beer and (2) french bread.  While eating dinner, at least 4 different sets of people walked by with a case of some type of lite beer (natural light, miller lite, etc.) and a loaf of french bread.  We have absolutely NO explanation for how lite beer and french bread go together.  Any thoughts?

Hope you're all having a great night!  Talk to you soon!


  1. I hope you're better at maintaining this blog than the last one! So far, this has been a joy to read. Drive safely and have fun!

  2. Drew looks great! Have fun. Alan H
