Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tammy is in Atlanta and Steve is in Portland for the weekend, so no real updates until early next week when we're back together in Seattle.  In order to not overload you with pictures then, however, we'll put some up now of our trip into Seattle.  We visited Mt. Rainier on the way into Seattle on Thursday:


Steve then continued on to Portland after dropping Tammy off at the airport for the weekend.  Last night, he visited the Oregon coast.  He has now officially driven from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 2 weeks.  Tammy will have accomplished the seam feat as of Tuesday morning.

Here are sunsets off of the Oregon coast last night:

Talk to you all soon!


  1. Beautiful pictures, Steven! Never been, want to go... What's the big rock island in the distance?

  2. Managed to cross faster than Lewis and Clark! Good for you!

  3. Those pics are nice, Steve. You definitely enjoy sunsets on the beach.
