Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gone Off The Deep End

Hi, Everyone:

I (Steve) hate to use every medium available to publicize this, but it is something of a last minute decision for a really great cause, so I wanted to put the notice in here.

I've signed up to do the "Polar Plunge" to raise money for Special Olympics (  Basically, what this means is that I agree to jump in a frozen, frozen lake here in Alaska in exchange for the opportunity to raise money for the organization.   For those who were on my tamarack alaska trip, it is a re-creation of my $50 and a steak dinner deal.

If you want to donate, the link is here:

You can check out video of last year's plunge here:

Anyway, I'd really appreciate anything you might be willing to give.  In order to encourage you all to donate, Tammy and I have come up with this deal.

I have set a goal of $300.  If that goal is met, Tammy will take lots of pictures of me freezing both in and out of the water.  These pictures will get posted on the blog and facebook for all of your enjoyment.  If the goal is not reached, however, we do not promise pictures.  In fact, we probably won't put up the pictures as a protest.

So basically there's your stick and carrot.

In all seriousness, please give.  I know there are a ton of requests like this every day, and I know that these days funds are a bit tight all around.  But anything you can give ($10, $20, $50, whatever), is a HUGE help to both me (to make this worthwhile) and the Special Olympics.

Once again, the link is:



P.S. Added carrot:  If you donate and come visit at some point, I'll buy you a beer.  Danny, I'll buy you an ice cream.  :)

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