Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moose (A bit too closely) Spotted

Steve went cross-country skiing this morning.  He decided to go on the trail that is about 1/4 mile from our house.  He made it about 2 miles on the trail, and almost (literally) ran into a mama moose and her calf.  They were standing in the river eating berries off of the trees.

This is not a great situation.  You really don't want to be that close to moose, especially a mama and her calf.  So Steve carefully popped off his skis and slowly backed away.  The moose watched him, not doing anything but staring and chewing, until Steve was a good 30 feet away.  At that point, the moose crossed the trail and walked to the other side.  Steve put on his skis, and bolted the heck out of there.

2 more moose spotted, but this time a bit too close for comfort.

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