Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Jumped In A Lake

Hi, Everyone!

Today I did it.  (I being Steve).  I jumped into a frozen lake.

For those of you who haven't been following, I decided to raise money for the Special Olympics - Alaska.  In exchange, they would cut a hole in a frozen lake for me (and 800 of my closest Alaska friends) to jump into.

Well, thanks to all your generosity, I raised over $500!  So this morning I bundled up, even despite the really really cold weather, and headed out to the event!

Here are some pictures of the site:

And here's the hole cut in the lake!

When it came to be my time, I prepped myself and jumped in!   My body, Michigan jersey, and all!  

It really wasn't that bad.  The water temperature inside the lake was warmer than outside the lake -- as could be expected.  So the water didn't feel too bad.  It WAS really cold once I stepped outside of the lake.  But then I ran (as you can see) down this little stretch and there were 3 hot tubs waiting.  Ahhhhhhhh . . . .  It was delightful.

Anyway, thanks again for all your help with raising money.  It really means a lot on how much you all supported this effort and it was a lot of fun to have a true Alaska adventure (jumping in a lake!).

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Congrats, Steve. I especially like the picture before you jump, where you're looking down at the water and it looks like you're thinking "oh crap oh crap OH CRAP!". Haha!
